Chemical Dependency
5 – Freedom Through Confession
Memory verse: James 5:16: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.”
Lesson 1: Why Take the Fifth Step?
Q1. If you refuse to practice Step 5, what 4 things will you be stuck in? Pg 101
Q2. Why does everyone need to experience forgiveness? Pg 102
Q3. Be honest with yourself, why do you hesitate to forgive others? Pg 102
Q4. What does experiencing Step 5 open the door to? Pg 103
Lesson 2: Taking the Step, Part 1
Q5. Does your confession make you forgiven? What does? Pg 103
Q6. Explain in your words what “sin” means. Pg 104
Q7. What does David mean when he says he is “blessed?” Pg 104
Q8. What happens to your health when you don’t confess the things you feel guilty of? Pg 105
Lesson 3: Taking the Step, Part 2
Q9. List the attributes you should look for when choosing the person to confess to. Pg 107
Q10. Why is it important for that person to know about the 12-Step Program? Pg 107
Q11. Briefly outline your story according to the outline on Pgs 108 - 109.
Q12. What are the major lessons you have learned as you progressed through this step? (half page)