
Saturday, January 25, 2014

P1-CCD9 - Making Amends

Conquering Chemical Dependency
Step 9 – Making Amends

We make direct amends to such people where possible, except when doing so will injure them or others.”

Memory verse: Matt 7:12: “Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Lesson 1: The Benefits of Amends

Q1. What do you fear most about making amends?

Q2. Are you willing to lay aside this fear and make amends even though you may experience pain when you do? Yes or No:

Q3. What possible joys might result from making amends?

Q4. What does “amend” mean? Pg 172

Lesson 2: The Mechanics of Amends

Q5. Write out your own definition of restitution. Pg 174

Q6. What suggestions can you think of to make indirect amends for people you can’t find? Pg 175

Q7. Using the format on pg 176 list the situations in your life that you fear making amends for.

Q8. Pray and ask the Lord to help you make amends for the people/things you listed.

Lesson 3: Taking the Step & Summary

Q9. Following the instructions on pg 177 complete the following list:


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