
Saturday, January 25, 2014

P1-MPP1 - Discovering Self-esteem

Making Peace With Your Past
Unit 1 – Discovering Self-esteem

Memory verse: Romans 8:1 – “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”

Affirmation: “I accept God’s love for me”

Day 1 and 2: Understanding your family of origin

Q1. Did you come from a dysfunctional family? Why do you think the family was dysfunctional? – page 12

Q2. Was the family’s attention focused on emotionally needy family members?
– page 12

Q3. Were limits placed on your expression of feelings? – page 13

Q4. What was your role in the family? – page 14

Q5. In what ways were you nurtured in your family? In what areas were you not nurtured? – page 14

Q6. Was your family open to the outside world? – page 15

Q7. Are any patterns being repeated in your present family? – page 15

Day 3: Losing self-esteem in a dysfunctional family

Q8. Did you experience something in your family of origin that damaged your self-esteem? Please describe. – page 18

Q9. Do you have a good sense of what is normal?

Q10. Do you carry shame for someone? – page 18

Q11. What feelings were not allowed to be expressed? How do you deal with these feelings today? – page 18

Q12. Has your faith in Christ impacted your shame at the core of your being? Be honest. – page 18

Day 4: Finding self-esteem in Christ

Q13. Do you recognize that you made choices which set you on the path to your addiction? – page 19

Q14. Have you shared your issues openly with God, or have you been hiding from him? – page 20

Q15. Where do you feel you are spiritually today? – page 21

Q16. What are you willing to allow God to do in your life? Are you willing to surrender to him on a daily basis? – page 23

Day 5: Getting in touch with your feelings

Q17. What techniques do you use to avoid your feelings? – page 25

Q18. What issues brought you here? – page 28

Q19. Describe one incident to explain what it felt like to grow up in your family
– page 28

Q20. What goals would you like to accomplish in this class? – page 28


Q21. What are the major lessons you have learned as you progressed through this unit? (half page)