
Saturday, January 25, 2014

P1-MPP7 - Healing Painful Memories

Making Peace With Your Past
Unit 7 – Healing Painful Memories

Memory verse: Romans 8:26-27 – “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will”

Affirmations to repeat: “I accept God’s healing of the painful memories of my past.”

Day 1: Painful Memories Affect the Present

Q1. Painful memories a) can lead to a general sense that something is wrong, b) can immobilize you through fear, c) may cause you to avoid certain feelings or situations, d) may lead to a denial of reality. Name other ways painful memories drain your spiritual and emotional energy. Pg.122

Q2. List three painful memories that are not easy for you to think or talk about. Pg. 122

Day 2: Signs of “Unremembered” Memories

Q3. How well do you remember your childhood? Do you have any memory gaps? Do you think these may relate to hidden memories? If so, how? Pg.125

Q4. Has anyone ever told you that you may have some hidden memories? Pg.126

Q5. List five danger signs of buried traumatic memories. Pg.124-126

Q6. Do you think you may have hidden memories that need to be uncovered and healed? Pg. 126

Day 3: Recovering “Unremembered” Memories

Q7. List four ways hidden memories can be recovered. Pg. 128

Q8. What steps will you take to probe your painful past?

Q9. What are you afraid of finding in your search? Pg.128

Q10. How will you deal with your fear? Pg.128

Day 4: Healing Painful Memories

Q12. List four ways to bring healing to painful memories. Pg.129-131

Q13. What steps are you willing to take to experience healing of your painful childhood memories? Pg.132

Day 5: Spiritual Strength to Begin the Journey

Q13. What steps do you need to take to turn over your painful past to God? Which steps are you willing to take?


Q14. What are the major lessons you have learned as you progressed through this unit? (half page)