
Saturday, January 25, 2014

P1-MPP9 - It's OK To Be Yourself

Making Peace With Your Past
Unit 9 – It’s OK to Be Yourself

Memory verse: Ps. 36:5, 7 NIV “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. How priceless is your unfailing love!”
Affirmations to repeat: “In Christ it is OK for me to be myself.”

Day 1: Why is Being Me So Hard?
Q1. Referring to pg 155, why would you want to act like someone else?

Q2. What are your responses to the questions at the bottom of pg 155?

Q3. Do you think God accepts you as you are?

Day 2: Why Don’t I Know Who I Am?

Q4. Do you have a “Whatever I do, I’m not going to …..” statement? What is it?

Q5. Using the statements on pgs 159 – 161, describe the reasons that apply to you.

Day 3: Claiming Jesus’ Power over My Painful Past

Q6. Write down some goals for your life that go beyond just surviving. Stop and talk to God about these goals.

Q7. Write out the affirmations on the bottom of pg 164. Read them aloud to yourself a few times.

Q8. What are your feelings about yourself at this moment?

Q9. Are you willing to believe that God has great possibilities in mind for you, that the coming years can be the greatest years of your life? Why?

Day 5: Finding My Identity

Q10. Who are the trustworthy people in your life?

Q11. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation and if money were not an issue, where would you go and what would you do?

Q12. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Why?

Q13. Do the exercise at the bottom of page 170. Write your answers here:


Q15. What are the major lessons you have learned as you progressed through this unit?
(half page)