Making Peace
With Your Past
10 - Forgiving the People
Who Have Hurt You
Memory verse: Luke 23:34, NIV – “Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Affirmations to repeat: “Because
God has forgiven me, I can forgive others.”
Day 1: Denying the Need to Forgive
out what each of the following roadblocks means to you personally.
Q1. Roadblock 1: chronic-shock syndrome. Pg 173
Q2. Roadblock 2: fear. Pg 174
Q3. Roadblock 3: The “I had good
parents” syndrome. Pg 174
Q4. Roadblock 4: “Good Christians
do not get angry.” Pg 175
Q5. Which are the main roadblocks in your life today?
Q5. Which are the main roadblocks in your life today?
Day 2: Understanding What Forgiveness Is Not
Q6. Describe a situation where you
have been unwilling to forgive someone because you thought that
forgiving would imply approval of his/her behavior?
Q7. Share an example of when you
forgave someone but the pain of what they did, did not go away.
Q8. How have others in your life
exercised dysfunctional forms of control over you?
Day 3: Understanding What Forgiveness Is
Q9. Describe the kind of forgiveness
you need to express toward the people who hurt you as a child. Pg
Q10. Whom do you need to forgive
and what did they do to you?
Q11. What do you need to do to
be ready to forgive?
Day 4: Letting Go of the Past
Q12. List the ways that forgiveness
can be blocked. Pg 182-183
Q13. Write out the verse Ephesians
Q14. What does Jesus want us to do in
that verse?
Day 5: Deciding to Forgive
Q15. Make a list of painful childhood
events that stand out. Include the people who participated in the
events. Page 184.
Q16. What still needs to be done to forgive the people who hurt you? Are you willing to do it?
Q18. What are the major lessons you
have learned as you progressed through this unit? (half page)